All records from the world.
2 Votes
Most beautiful cat
3 Votes
Most beautiful fish
21 Seconds
More time with opened eyes
148 Seconds
More time with opened eyes
9 Score
Most beautiful nails
2 Votes
Most beautiful cat
4.54881 Minutes
Super Mario Bros Speedrun
158 Score
Best Cartographers score
129 Score
Best Cartographers score
0 Votes
Best physical drawing
13 Score
Most biggest figure collection
9 Score
Most biggest mask collection
225 Score
Most biggest gameboard collection
1 Score
Most biggest hat collection
6 Score
Most biggest plush collection
15524 Score
Longest domino line
1 Votes
Best cosplay
25 Score
Most biggest videogames collection
1 Votes
Best painted miniature
129 Score
Best Cartographers score
104 Score
Best Paper Dungeons score
1 Votes
Most adorable dog
2 Votes
Most beautiful christmas tree
4.55913 Minutes
Super Mario Bros Speedrun
1 Votes
Best gaming PC
115 Seconds
More time spinning yoyo
146 Score
Best Cartographers score
110 Score
Best Paper Dungeons score
1 Votes
Best painted miniature
2 Votes
Most beautiful christmas tree
112 Score
Best Paper Dungeons score
81 Score
Best Railroad ink score
2 Votes
Most amazing setup
95 Score
Best Railroad ink score
74 Score
Best Railroad ink score
94 Score
Best Railroad ink score
9.58 Seconds
Fastest 100 meter dash
7 Score
More squats with one leg
1642 Score
Biggest Hama Beads piece